What is the impact of social media on market research?

Reviewing the opportunities and challenges social media is presenting to market research and the understanding of consumers.

Although typically criticized, social media has positively influenced the market research industry. mTab's Crispin Beale sat down with Priscilla McKinney, Chief Executive Officer of LiTTLE Bird Marketing, to get her insightful perspective on the benefits, challenges, and opportunities social media provides as it continues to evolve in our society.

As Priscilla discussed the evolution and influence social media has had on us over the ages, saying, “Stories around the campfire were social media. The town crier was social media. The telegraph was social media. As a cultural anthropologist, I know that the human race has always communicated through social media. Currently, our most efficient and scalable social media involves online social platforms. As always, it matters if people know where your fire circle is, whether they bring other people to it, whether they think you are telling a compelling story and whether or not they will go back to their home fires and retell it. Once you understand that for social media you begin to understand that lighting the fire is not enough. If you build it, they will not necessarily come.”

Priscilla and Crispin discuss social media's impact on market research, the comparison between social media and traditional marketing, the dangers of social media, and more. You can read their entire discussion at the link below.

The evolving importance of social media on market research

Keep track of the latest market trends and consumer attitudes on social media, streaming, technology, and more from leading research providers including Kantar, Deloitte, YouGov, PWC and more at mTab.

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