What is a bar chart?

A bar chart is a graphical representation that shows the relative sizes or frequencies of different categories or values.

A bar chart is a graphical representation that uses rectangular bars to show the relative sizes or frequencies of different categories or values. The length or height of each bar is proportional to the value it represents. Bar charts are commonly used to display and compare categorical or numerical data, such as sales figures, survey results, or demographic data.

In the example below, each bar shows the percentage of people by country who agree with the statement that price is more important than brand name.

A Stacked Bar Chart

How to Create a Bar Chart

To create a bar chart, you will need to have data that can be grouped into categories. Once you have your data, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a column for each category of data.
  2. Enter the frequency of each data point in the corresponding column.
  3. Create a chart using the data in your columns.

How to Read a Bar Chart

To read a bar chart, start by looking at the height of each bar. The height of the bar represents the frequency of the data point. For example, if the bar for "Male" is taller than the bar for "Female", then there are more male data points than female data points.

You can also compare the heights of the bars to see how different the frequencies of the data points are. For example, if the bar for "Male" is twice as tall as the bar for "Female", then there are twice as many male data points as female data points.

When to Use a Bar Chart

Bar charts are a good way to compare different sets of data. They are also a good way to show the frequency of data points. Bar charts can be used to display both categorical and numerical data. For categorical data, the bars can represent the frequency or count of each category, while for numerical data, the bars can represent the actual value of the data.

Bar charts can be customized in many ways, including the color and thickness of the bars, the style and color of the axis lines and labels, and the inclusion of additional features such as data labels or error bars. They are a versatile and effective tool for visualizing data and communicating insights to others.

Tips for Creating Effective Bar Charts

Here are a few tips for creating effective bar charts:

  • Use clear and concise labels for each bar.
  • Use a consistent scale for the height of the bars.
  • Use a variety of colors to make your chart more visually appealing.
  • Use a title and legend to explain your chart.

Types of bar charts

There are several types of bar charts that can be used to represent different types of data. Here are some of the most common types:
Clustered bar chart: This is the most basic type of bar chart, where each category is represented by a vertical bar and multiple bars are clustered together for each category. This is useful for comparing data across different categories.

  1. Stacked bar chart: In a stacked bar chart, the bars are stacked on top of each other to represent the total value for each category. This is useful for showing the composition of data across different categories.
  2. 100% stacked bar chart: This is similar to the stacked bar chart, but the bars are normalized to 100%, so that each bar represents the percentage of the total value for each category. This is useful for comparing the relative proportions of data across different categories.
  3. Clustered and stacked bar chart: This combines the clustered and stacked bar chart, where multiple bars are clustered together for each category and the bars within each cluster are stacked on top of each other. This is useful for comparing both the total value and the composition of data across different categories.
  4. Floating bar chart: In a floating bar chart, each bar is positioned at a specific value on the vertical axis, rather than starting at zero. This is useful for displaying changes in data over time or for comparing data with different units of measurement.

Bar charts can also be grouped or sorted in different ways to highlight patterns or trends in the data. Choosing the right type of bar chart depends on the type of data and the insights that need to be communicated.

Try all the bar charts you can easily create with mTab.

John Sevec

SVP, Client Strategy

John provides strategic advisory and insight guidance to premier clients across mTab’s portfolio. His expertise spans customer strategy, market insight and business intelligence.

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