The impact of advancing insight technology

Discussing the trials and triumphs of advancing market research technology with Kristi Zuhlke, Founder of KnowledgeHound.

As data complexity increases, the utility of insights grows as well. mTab's Crispin Beale sat down with Kristi Zuhlke, the Founder, Board Member and former Chief Executive Officer of KnowledgeHound to discuss the impact evolving technology advancements are having on the market research industry in terms of understanding consumers, markets, industries, and competitors.

As Kristi explains, “Technology can point us in the direction of patterns or anomalies, but technology cannot give us empathy and deep human understanding. As researchers, it’s our job to humanize insights.” In other words, innovation is moving the insights industry forward at an ever-increasing rate, but translating the understanding and applying it strategically requires expertise.

See what other technology topics Crispin and Kristi discuss in this Research World feature.

The advancing impact of insights technology

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