The evolving impact of research on strategic growth

Martin Filz, CEO of Pureprofile, discusses the evolution of consumer-centered research on strategic growth.

As customers become increasingly savvy and markets become increasingly complex, the role of market research is evolving into a type of radar that brands rely on to make decisions and set strategies. mTab's Crispin Beale sat down with Martin Filz, the Chief Executive Officer of Pureprofile, which provides consumer-centered data and insights. As a research expert, Martin has extensive experience building businesses in both multicultural and multilingual international environments.

Martin assesses how research strategies and tactics are evolving as markets become more complicated and consumers become selective. Among the topics he and Crispin discuss is the growing role of online research. As Martin explains, "You can access millions of people worldwide quickly, easily, and at a good price; what project design and the data interpretation else offers that? The design of the project and the interpretation of the data have more impact on the success and quality of the responses. Researchers should always put themselves in the place of respondents and design a survey that they would happily complete. If it doesn’t pass this test, then redesign it!”

The discussion expands to topics like privacy, sampling, cookies, innovation, and more. You can read their entire discussion at the link below.

The evolution of research

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