The elevating importance of data science

Kantar's Kyle Findlay discusses the expanding role of data science in driving decisions and shaping strategies.

mTab's Crispin Beale sits down with Kyle Findlay, Senior Data Science Director for Kantar in South Africa, to get his perspective on the elevating role of data science and market research. They discuss how the influence of data science is increasing across a spectrum of groups in the average company and how insights are is are becoming more vital as markets and consumers change more rapidly.

Kyle discusses the multidimensional value of data science, saying, "Data science adds value to so many parts of the insights value chain. It allows us to extract insights from new data sources (such as unstructured text, images, video, and more); it allows us to extract patterns from larger datasets; it allows us to automate many statistical processes and build on top of them (or daisy-chain them together) in order to make more complex and valuable data products; it allows us to make better forecasts that are informed by more data and that use more advanced techniques (such as neural networks); it allows us to do data fusion across datasets to give us a more holistic picture of the market and consumers; it allows us to have more naturalistic interactions with consumers through chatbots and other modalities; it allows us to engage consumers through greater personalization and real-time responding; and more.”

They go on to discuss how technology, methodology, analysis, and innovation are driving data science to new heights and increasing its value in almost every industry today. They also discuss important topics like hiring effective data scientists and the critical need to tell stories with data in order to drive change.

You can read their entire discussion at the link below.

The growing role of data science

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