mTab Adds Free Industry Reports to Marketplace

mTab continues its mission of becoming the world’s largest insights marketplace. The recent launch of mTab Marketplace joined together market research studies from leading global providers including Kantar, Ipsos, JD Power, GfK, Harris Poll, and a host of others for the first time ever. 

Now, mTab has added free and premium insight reports across a spectrum of industries from leading sources, including Accenture, Capgemini, Deloitte, KPMG, McKinsey, MIT, Stanford, mTab will be updating Marketplace with free and premium reports and studies on a regular basis, so be sure to check frequently for the most up-to-date insights.and others.

"Market research is a very fragmented industry, which makes it incredibly challenging to identify useful research and studies that are available in the market," explained Mark Langsfeld, CEO of mTab. "mTab Marketplace is the first platform that brings together market research from world-class providers with the largest selection of studies, datasets, and reports, placing them directly into the hands of professionals. It delivers marketers and insight professionals unmatched insight so they can make smarter business decisions."

Immediately accessing these insights is easy. Simply, visit mTab Marketplace and follow these steps:

1. Browse reports to select free and premium reports in Marketplace.

2. Open reports by clicking ‘Reports’ from your home portal.

3. View selected reports by clicking the report in the Reports app.

mTab will be updating Marketplace with free and premium reports and studies on a regular basis, so be sure to check frequently for the most up-to-date insights.

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