Leveraging the advantage of advanced analytics

Martin Squires, the Director of Advanced Analytics for Pets at Home, reviews the advantages of advanced analytics.

As the volume, variety, and velocity of data increase across brands, more companies are embracing the advantage of advanced analytics to understand their markets, consumers, and competitors. To understand this evolving trend, mTab's Crispin Beale sat down with Martin Squires, the Director of Advanced Analytics for Pets at Home, the leading, publicly-traded British pet supply retailer.

Martin reviews many of the fundamental requirements to develop a robust advanced analytics operation but warns against focusing on technology alone. He explains, "I still see too much focus on how to use tools better, make a better chart or produce better slides (not that that’s a bad thing) rather than how to really tell a story. The tech stuff can be like giving someone a thesaurus and expecting that to make them a great writer."

Martin and Crispin discuss various topics, from technology and methodology to generalists and specialists. You can read the entire sit-down interview in Research World's Insight250 series at the link below.

The importance of advanced analytics

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