How does gamification drive innovation?

Betty Adamou discusses how brands are using gamification tactics to attract, engage and motivate consumers.

mTab's Crispin Beale sat down with Betty Adamou, Associate Talent Director at Hannelius Recruitment (who won a 2021 Insight250 Award as CEO and Founder of Research Through Gaming), to get her detailed perspective on how gamification is evolving and being effectively applied to solve consumer problems.

Betty talked about the efficacy and impact of gaming dimensions with market research, explaining, Well-designed games intrinsically engage us; whether executed as a board game, text-adventure game, app game, console game, or as anything else. Games are varied and rich in their design execution across mediums and devices. But what are the common threads, if games have so many different outputs and so many different ways of playing?

“It’s the ingredients of a game that engage us, and those ingredients tap into our psychological needs. This is where the magic happens, and this is how gamification is, and has, been applied to almost every industry on the planet."

You can read their entire discussion at the link below in Research World.

Gaming to Innovate Research and Insights

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