How communities and collaboration are enhancing consumer insight

How communities are increasing the understanding and engagement of consumers across industries.

As the value and impact of market research expand and evolve, the importance of and access to communities is increasing to better understand and engage consumers. This increased level of customer engagement and comprehension is driving innovation and strategy across industries like automotive, consumer goods, food and beverage, and healthcare.

To discuss the topic further, Crispin Beale sat down with Matt Hay, Founder and CEO of Bulbshare, reviewing the growing role of communities in today’s world and how collaboration is enhancing disruptive innovation for organizations that embrace it.

As Matt explained, “The advent of big data, alongside the evolution of social media and mobile technology, has enabled new levels of brand-consumer connectivity and inspired heightened audience expectation around how brands behave. It also accelerated a wholesale shift in consumer behavior. Namely, people no longer respond to being told what to buy. They want to be involved, they want to feel like they are part of the process, and they want to shape the way their brands behave.

“Products and the marketing messages that merely seek to ‘broadcast’ rather than engage with their audience are falling on deaf ears (or worse still – at least for the brand – are being blocked entirely by increasingly sophisticated ad-blockers). Where once, the core brand marketing objective was one of interruption, it’s now premised on interaction."

Their discussion spans topics ranging from co-creation and international dimensions to social impacts and the evolution of communities. You can read the entire interview at the link below:

The importance of community and collaboration

Further, you can easily track evolving consumer attitudes and behaviors across a spectrum of industries on mTab Marketplace tracked by leading sources, including Kantar, Ipsos, JD Power, Fatpos Global, and Barnes Reports.

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