Collecting & Analyzing customer survey data in the utility industry

Utility Industry Survey

The utilities industry is driven by consumer satisfaction; utilities may be something every consumer needs, but competition still plays a major role in the industry. One of the best ways to stay competitive is consistently collecting & analyzing customer survey data in the utility industry, looking at both past and current trends.

Customer surveying is an effective way to monitor trends and customer satisfaction. It's also a way to make your customers feel more appreciated and heard, especially if you combine surveying with the use of interactive marketing such as social media.

What to Monitor

In the utility industry, the customer service experience must be monitored at every point of contact. Key features include the quality of customer service, the ease of set-up, and the company's responsiveness to issues. In addition, customer surveys can help companies identify weak spots in the infrastructure used by customers - how accessible are your mobile sites, apps, etc?

Collecting & analyzing customer survey data in the utility industry also helps companies to stay on top of, and even create, industry-wide trends. For example, customer surveying can help utility companies identify when and how to implement cost-saving programs for their customers. As companies implement new, modern solutions and customer service methods, being able to monitor the success of those methods is necessary.

The utility industry is highly competitive, so customer surveying should also include analysis of how the company performs in comparison to other, similar companies.

Key Analysis Features

Data analysis software, as offered by mTAB, can help reduce labor costs while bringing companies more relevant information from their customer surveying. Some tools are especially useful in analysis. For example:

  • The ability to compare or combine different research, even if it is in different formats, is essential. When you first start using a new software program, being able to compare between the conclusions your company drew during past research, and the conclusions drawn by the new software is essential.
  • You need to be able to pull up data on specific topics, from specific periods, or pertaining to specific demographics right away.
  • The data needs to be accessible to anyone who needs it - all members of the marketing or executive team should be able to easily access and understand the data. It should be easy to use even for people who do not have extensive experience in data analysis, while still providing the technical details and abilities necessary for effective analysis.

John Sevec

SVP, Client Strategy

John provides strategic advisory and insight guidance to premier clients across mTab’s portfolio. His expertise spans customer strategy, market insight and business intelligence.

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