5 Tips for Ensuring You Have Raving Fan Customers

Sports teams and musicians have raving fans and you can too! Raving fans for businesses are the business’ advocates and would never consider taking their business elsewhere. That’s a tall order in this highly competitive market place, but it is possible. Businesses with raving fans not only provide an exceptional product or service, they also provide an exceptional customer service experience. Follow these customer service tips for ensuring you have raving fan customers:

  1. Keep your commitments. If you tell a customer you are going to do something, you do it. Case closed. Think about the last time you had to get your car repaired. Did you go in for an estimate, agree to the repair cost, and all of a sudden the cost went up? Or, did you purchase an item that required shipment and you were told 2 – 4 weeks, but the item showed up on your doorstep 8 weeks later? Companies that make empty promises just to gain business usually end up out of business. The best way to make raving fan customers is to keep those commitments and promises. If a situation comes up that is out of your control making it impossible to honor your commitment, keep the customer informed and do everything you can to make it right.
  2. Educate your customers.  Whether it’s a personal phone call, a mailer, or through social media, you can create raving fan customers by keeping them informed. Let them know when new products or services are available, if a promotion is around the corner, or if there is an unexpected issue with a product so it can be repaired or replaced.
  3. Be consistent. Do you have a favorite restaurant that you can go to and always get a great meal? Customers like to do business with companies that are consistent. It takes the guesswork out of the equation and creates loyalty.
  4. Acknowledge and fix problems. If you avoid customer complaints or issues they will avoid you. Honoring your commitment, educating the customer on what can be done, and making sure you are consistent will keep them coming back. Chances are they will tell their friends how well you handled the problem and generate more business for you.
  5. Make sure everyone is on board. Everyone in the company needs to understand and buy into the idea of exceptional customer service. And, they need to practice it too. Find a philosophy that works for your business and make sure that everyone is trained.

Try these tips for ensuring you have raving fan customers and watch your business grow through customer advocacy and loyalty.

Mark Lummas

Global VP, Customer Success

Mark heads up mTab’s Customer Success function, advising mTab’s premier strategic clients across North America, Asia and Europe.

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