3 Examples of Companies that are “Killing It” with Customer Surveying

Taco Bell, Ford and J.D. Power are great examples of customer surveying in large companies.

Customer surveying is one of the most effective ways to stay attuned to customer needs, demographics, and the state of the market. Many of the most successful companies in the nation make heavy use of customer surveying, as do many smaller companies. Below, we'll explore some great examples of customer surveying in large corporations.

Taco Bell
Quality and service are essential to every restaurant, and a national corporation like Taco Bell must rely on many measures to identify problems and create a high-quality, standardized experience. Eat at any Taco Bell in the nation, and you will have the opportunity to fill out a survey on your dining experience. The survey is quick to take, and allows you to tell the company about factors like food quality and service. Some of the best features of their program include:

  • Taco Bell encourages its employees to ask customers to take the survey, sometimes by using incentive programs
  • Every receipt is printed with survey information in a prominent location, making it easy for customers to remember and know where to call
  • Customers can now take the survey online as well
  • Filling out the survey enters customers into a Sweepstakes

To stay competitive, automotive companies need extensive information about customers' experience with their current cars, their experience working with the automotive company itself, and what they'd like to see in future cars. This is an especially big challenge for automotive companies because of the fact that there are so many models and dealers. Ford's customer surveying program integrates all of these factors, allowing them to promptly respond to any problems in their cars, while making plans for future innovations with an eye to customers' expressed wishes.

J.D. Power
Everyone needs gas and electricity, which means that the customer base for power companies is quite large as well as varied. J.D. Power runs an excellent customer surveying program that allows them to compare themselves to others in the industry. Customer satisfaction, customer service, and uninterrupted utility service are all key factors that are surveyed for this industry.

Drawing inspiration from these great examples of customer surveying can help you develop an effective program for your own company. Although the companies we explored above are diverse, they all share one key quality: they are able to take the next step with the data they gather by performing analyses to draw real conclusions from the data.

To analyze and report your customer surveys, checkout mTab, the platform that many of these companies rely on.

John Sevec

SVP, Client Strategy

John provides strategic advisory and insight guidance to premier clients across mTab’s portfolio. His expertise spans customer strategy, market insight and business intelligence.

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